After a recent grueling round of recruiting : ( then testing and sharing results, I was wiped out. Testing is intense, but recruiting and testing? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
I wanted to share my basic setup:
- Computer 1, on speaker: Webex as the host and recording tool, Silverback (backup recording) audio through google voice on speaker
- Computer 2, muted: Sococo (to communicate with coworkers), view observers live notes on ideaboardz, Participant contact info (in case of issue), the Schedule
- Printed: Script
- Often overlooked but important Participant compensation/gifts, a practice run, Dialing and webbing in 15 minutes early, a deep breath, one medium sized beverage, a smile in your voice to put the customer at ease, and immediate feedback for front-line stakeholders who are thirsty for input they can put into their product.